Seasonally Appropriate...I Hope...
.... Well I guess the saying is true.... Once you go uhhhh.... something... you never uh... go.... hmmmm ok... I got nothing.... well.... back to the story line.... where was I... oh yes.... Well.... it looks like I can't stop colouring these dang things... I tried to just put up my lame-o sketches... but I kept being over taken by the urge to colour.... thus makin' the picture not-so-lame.... or so I would hope.... anyways.. blah blah blah..... I figured I would throw up another on of these festive type things..... and here it is.... and I'm sure your all shocked (myself included) that I was able to get it together before Halloween passed.... but if I didn't... I was ready to put a red hat on it and make it.... that's right.... make it a Fireman.... wait that's not right...... oh.... I mean Santa... yeah that was it..... so woo hoo for me...... and now I got celebrate...... PEACE!
Post Soundtrack:
The Herbaliser - Very Mercenary
Doug E. Fresh - Oh, My God!
Ugly Duckling - Bang For The Buck