Thursday, October 26, 2006

Seasonally Appropriate...I Hope...

.... Well I guess the saying is true.... Once you go uhhhh.... something... you never uh... go.... hmmmm ok... I got nothing.... well.... back to the story line.... where was I... oh yes.... Well.... it looks like I can't stop colouring these dang things... I tried to just put up my lame-o sketches... but I kept being over taken by the urge to colour.... thus makin' the picture not-so-lame.... or so I would hope.... anyways.. blah blah blah..... I figured I would throw up another on of these festive type things..... and here it is.... and I'm sure your all shocked (myself included) that I was able to get it together before Halloween passed.... but if I didn't... I was ready to put a red hat on it and make it.... that's right.... make it a Fireman.... wait that's not right...... oh.... I mean Santa... yeah that was it..... so woo hoo for me...... and now I got celebrate...... PEACE!

Post Soundtrack:
The Herbaliser - Very Mercenary
Doug E. Fresh - Oh, My God!
Ugly Duckling - Bang For The Buck

Monday, October 23, 2006


... Well, Well, Well.... look who final came a postin'.... oh wait.... its me..... so then I guess I need to go on the defensive... no.... you're a big doody head.... ahhh that should about do it.... anyways.... I figured.... since Halloween is comin' up... I should do something.... festive... wait is it festive.... sure.... lets just go with it.... hope it sticks.... one thing I have noticed is that the colouring part takes forever (being that I still have no real clue as to what I am doin'...).... so I figure maybe I'll lay off them for a while.... just do some doodles and ideas...... well maybe a little colour.... I mean hey... what's a "Poorly Coloured Blog" without colour.... oh... a "Poorly Not Coloured Blog"... I would guess.... reguardless.... enjoy this for now... and hopefully I can get more stuff up soon.... 'til then... PEACE!

Post Soundtrack:
Sineater - Less For Nothing
Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards
Ben Folds - Supersunnyspeedgraphic - The LP

Sunday, October 15, 2006

They're Baaaaaaaack......

...So it all started as an innocent little doodle.... well that was before I decided to colour it........ I just figured it would be good (and well needed) to practice up on my colouring skills..... and you'll never guess what happened....... Okay fine... maybe you can guess..... but for those who don't know..... oh.... you all know.... hmmmm.... well then because I like to hear myself type...... It turned into a .... Get this..... a "Sloppy Mess".... no really... take a look...... ahhh good times.... but.... I'm glad I could truck in some old favorites.... (of mine at least).... Straddle, Jerri.... and.... (new to the group... well visually)... good ol' Shelly..... yup.... Glad to have them over.... and on that.... I bounce.... PEACE!

Post Soundtrack:
Suicidal Tendencies - Possesed To Skate (Demo)
SNFU - And No One Else Wanted To Play
Dag Nasty - Field Day

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I've always been drawn to art work that gets put through its paces.... for example... Skateboard art.... That's where you'll find some of the coolest art.... and all it takes is one slide and the graphics are hooped... or are they.... I think (personally at least) it adds to the over all look... sure the original art has been altered... but the level of character and personalization have increased.... I know, I know.... this isn't the case for all art... but for somethings its cool to see what regular wear and tear will do to it.... and so (finally).. we get to today's post.... recently I was asked to do some door stops... I figured it would be fun to think in a different format than... "flat"..... and I was also into seeing how they would look after some serious wear.... and so... this is the first installment in my "Door Stop Phase" (oooo.... sounds arty)... if you want to see some more shot of these door stops... check out the couple other shots I put up on my flickr page.... ..... well that 'bout does it for now.... enjoy.... and.. PEACE!

Post Soundtrack:
NOFX - The Longest Line
Dead Kennedys - Plastic Surgery Disasters

Friday, October 06, 2006

Lets Read It Now.....

.... Mmmmm... Oh Yeah... all that beauty wrapped up in one fine ass 46 year old high school freshman.... mmmm.... must be the 32 years she spent as a teenage run away..... Really what else can I say.... she's great... but make sure that nothing happens to Shelly.... I mean I would just die if anything happened to her.... Hey if you don't believe me.... look into it for your self.... just go on past the Dealers, Cons and 18 Carat Pimps.... and stop in at the Strangers With Candy... then everything will start to make sense..... just.... watch out for the Glint..... seriously... that stuff will mess you up.... and on that... I'm out.... PEACE!

Post Soundtrack:
Propagandhi - Today's Empire, Tomorrow's Ashes