Please Respond In The Next 10 Days...
... Oh wait... that's my junk mail..... I suppose you had to be there.... anyways.... I've been busy trying to finish off some important projects over the last while so..... I ... oh wait.... I'm posting about the same.... so uh.... never mind.... well today's post is all about colours.... I figured I would try out some new colours.... and ways of using them.... and again... this is how it turned out.... and as far as the posting goes.... I hope I can clear off my desk... so I'll be able to do more.... but until then.... I'm outty 5000!....... PEACE!
Post Soundtrack:
Jello Biafra - I Blow Minds For A Living
Teen Idles - Minor Disturbance
Dark Sun Riders - Seeds Of Evolution
Colours eh....and a crazy kick ass piece of art. Its too bad I didnt know you were up that late last night. There was a focus on The DK and Jello Biafra on Brave New Waves last night from 1-2 or so. They played this interview from when he was on the Oprah show where he absolutely tore Tipper Gore apart for being a savage right wing censor. It even sounded like Oprah was getting pissed of at ol Tipper. And the crowd was most definately hangin on Jello's every word. Pretty cool, on that note...nice post......CARROTS!
Oh Otis......I wonder if when the director cast him for part 2, he told the makeup people to make Otis look as much like Rob Zombie as possible. Cool ink/blood splatters...Just enough that it is in your face without being overwhelming. If I leave here tomorrow.....Good Job!
Yo man! Great stuff as always. It's always nice to see what you draw next. Love the Halloween pics. Cya round.
One angry Jesus, huh.
Seems everyone is busy this time a year. I'm bearly making updates myself.
Hey man. Forgot to mention that I posted a little animation on my blog if you want to check it out! Cya round.
Hey Kids... thanks for stoppin' in and leavin' some words.... I've been really busy as of late... and STILL trying to find some time.... but I have some things that I will post soon.... but.... until then.... PEACE! (Peas)
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